@Article{ GARCÍA_ROMERO_González_Mora-García_GARCÍA_CASTILLO_Fernandes-_Merelo-Guervós:530-547,

author = { PABLO GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ and GUSTAVO ROMERO LOPEZ and Jesús González Peñalver and Antonio Miguel Mora-García and MARIA ISABEL GARCÍA ARENAS and PEDRO ANGEL CASTILLO VALDIVIESO and Carlos Miguel Fernandes- and Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós } ,

title = { Studying the effect of population size in distributed evolutionary algorithms on heterogeneous clusters },

journal = { Applied Soft Computing },

year = { 2015 },

volume = { 38 },

pages = { 530-547 },

doi = { http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1568494615006468 },
