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P.A. Castillo Valdivieso, J.J. Merelo-Guervós
G. Romero Lopez,
"Benchmarking Languages for Evolutionary Algorithms", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.9598
, 27-47, 2016
P.A. Castillo Valdivieso
"Comparing Wireless Traffic Tracking with Regular Traffic Control Systems for the Detection of Congestions in Streets", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.9704
, 42-51, 2016
J.J. Merelo-Guervós, F. Liberatore, A.J. Fernández Ares, R. García Ortega, Z. Chelly, C. Cotta-Porras, N. Rico Castro, A.M. Mora-García, A. Tonda, P. De Las Cuevas-Delgado
P.A. Castillo Valdivieso,
"The Uncertainty Quandary: A Study in the Context of the Evolutionary Optimization in Games and Other Uncertain Environments", Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, vol.24
, 40-60, 2016
P.A. Castillo Valdivieso, J.J. Merelo-Guervós
A.M. Mora-García,
"There can be only one: Evolving RTS Bots via joust selection", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.9597
, 541-557, 2016
P. García Sánchez
, 2016
P. García Sánchez
, 2016
J.F. Chicano-García, B. Hu
P. García Sánchez,
"Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 16th European Conference. EvoCOP 2016, Porto, Portugal, March 30-April 1, 2016. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2016
P.A. Castillo Valdivieso, A.J. Fernández Ares, M.I. García Arenas, A.M. Mora-García, V.M. Rivas Santos, P. García Sánchez, G. Romero Lopez
J.J. Merelo-Guervós,
" SIPESCA-Competition: a set of real data time series benchmark for traffic prediction", "International Work-Conference on Time Series Analysis", None-None, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024